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Forge Your Own Magic
Forge Your Own Magic - Introduction
Introduction - About the Instructor
Introduction - Blessings & Greetings
Introduction - Personal Dedication
Forge Your Own Magic - Witches
Witches - A Brief Historical Timeline
Witches - Depiction Types Part 1
Witches - Depiction Types Part 2
Witches - The Many Paths to Walk
Witches - Exercise: What Kind of Witch am I?
Witches - Quiz
Forge Your Own Magic - Becoming the Witch
Becoming the Witch - Inductions & Invocations
Becoming the Witch - Meeting the Elements & The Elementals
Becoming the Witch - Holy Days
Becoming the Witch - Drawing down the Moon
Forge Your Own Magic - Life of the Witch
Life of a Witch - Working with the Clairs
Life of a Witch - Styles of Magical Composition
Life of a Witch - The Witches Style
Life of a Witch - The Broom Closet
Life of a Witch - Your Relationships
Forge Your Own Magic - The Start of the Witch
The Start of the Witch - The Witches Altar
The Start of the Witch - The Witches Tools
The Start of the Witch - Talismans, Pendants & Charms
The Start of the Witch - Familiars, Pets & Guides
The Start of the Witch - Totems
The Start of a Witch - Quiz
Forge Your Own Magic - Building your Compendium
Building your Compendium - Where to start?
Building your Compendium - Correspondences: Candles, Crystals & Herbs
Building your Compendium - Correspondences: Misc.
Building your Compendium - Correspondence: Astrology
Forge Your Own Magic - The Forging of Spells
The Forging of Spells - Spell Casting Basics & Invocations
The Forging of Spells - Candle Magic
The Forging of Spells - A Witch's Dedication
The Forging of Spells - A Collection of Starter Spells
The Forging of Spells - Maiden Ritual
The Forging of Spells - Charms
The Forging of Spells - Quiz
Forge Your Own Magic - Potions & Elixirs
Potions & Elixirs - Water & Tea
Potions & Elixirs - Incense
Potions & Elixirs - How to dry Herbs
Potions & Elixirs - Home Cleansing
Forge Your Own Magic - Divination
Divination - Different Styles, Methods & Forms
Divination - Tarot, Oracle Cards & Lenormand
Divination - Simple steps to start using your Pendulum
Forge Your Own Magic - Witchy Wellness
Witchy Wellness - The Zen Witch
Witchy Wellness - Exercise: Magical Bag of tools
Witchy Wellness - Energy Healing Modalities
Witches - Depiction Types Part 1
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